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Classical Operational Excellence work has been around for a long time and we can see that a majority of organizations who try to implement it fails. One of the reasons for the failure is lack of human focus. Watch the video for more…


What is Operational Excellence 2.0 and how is it implemented in an organization?

I met a young quality manager and we walked through the shop to discuss opportunities. I found a stack of scrapped parts…the story that followed was amazing…

2 Min Drill, people don’t fail it’s the System that fails.

I’m at the World Trade Center thinking about the Emotional Intelligence that went in to rebuilding the area and finding a way to honor the victims.

2 Min Drill The Strong Bond

Imagine if you could get instant feedback for everything you did, how fast would you develop? What would be possible for you?

2 Min Drill Feedback

With the mindset of always wanting to do better and using a method to develop you will win, for example in this video around problem-solving and golf. …

2 Min Drill, The Mindset for Problem Solving

When I was a production manager for an area and I had a team of fantastic people that I worked with, one day when I was walking to a meeting one of the guys there told to another guy that “if I was intelligent I will be working in design.” I stopped and asked him “what do you mean if you’re intelligent to work in design”? He said “yea, I meant exactly what I said!” so I thought it was a bit strange and when I walked into the meeting, I addressed that to everyone and I said “do you feel the same?” basically, they said, “yeah if we’re intelligent, we will work in another area”. These guys for assembling jet engines …

[Listen to the rest, on the video]

2 Min Drill, The real focus for better output