AskLDI Case Studies – Health care industry Surgery Supplies
This community owned non-profit system was having problems delivering support to the elderly people in their care. The elderly lived in their own homes and received a visit from a Nurse to provide medical, food, cleaning, etc. Typically a nurse was spending 2 hours...
AskLDI Case Studies – Food Production SMED
We are a $60 million Food Production business company and our plant that produces meat packed for consumers. The OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) analysis showed us that changeover of a line was limiting our ability to produce the number of variants we...
AskLDI Case Studies – food production kaizen
Food Production - Kaizen We are a $25 billion food business company and our plant that produces dried product for industrial and food service applications. Throughput on machine #3 has slowly reduced from 13,500 lbs. / hr. to 12,000 lbs. / hr. over a...
AskLDI Case Studies – Energy Industry
The Energy industry is getting more and more price competitive. Our competitors are under cutting prices to win the business. We have defined a key KPI in the market that enables us to keep prices on a somewhat higher level, if this KPI is at an outstanding level. The...
AskLDI Case Studies – Component Production SMED
We are a $40 million hydraulic component business company and our plant that produces cylinders to mobile equipment. We had done a flow analyzes and found that a CNC machine was limiting our ability to produce the number of variants we needed. The set-up time...
AskLDI Case Studies – Automotive production kaizen
We are a $90 million Automotive product business. We make components for cars. In one of our production cells we found that our OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) was just over 50% and we struggled to deliver. The OEE was varying a great deal and we found it...
Hey CXO stop being so predictable
The Classical follow up approach If you work in a C-suite or you're running a company following KPIs to see how you're progressing and what's happening in your organization is important and a key part of the Leadership process. I would ask you to rethink how you do...
Lean Implementation, Metrics, and Vision
We get a lot of questions about metrics, different types of metrics to use, and in this case, I want to talk about what good metrics are is for lean implementation of our lean model. What is a good metrics? I think asking that question is a bit too simplified because...
Lead don’t just Manage change
I'm talking about how to lead during resistance to change. I was inspired by watching TV, honestly, all the protests going on in the world today, and I can't help but thinking that the less you are a part of the change, the less you are a part of what's going or have...
IQxEQ=Unity and Results
As a society, we value IQ and logical thinking very high. It starts as soon as we enter school where we get trained to learn logical thinking and our grades are often based on that. As a person, we obviously have to master both logical as well as emotional challenges,...